Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the beginning

Growing up in the Dominican Republic was quite the experience. Past the clear beaches, fertile mountains and local hospitality, sleep the countless families snuggled by the hardships poverty has brought upon them. Most on empty stomachs and restless worries for the second or third night in a row. It was hard to believe I lived within miles of these people. It seemed as if society had become blind to the lifestyles our very own citizens were forced to endure.

It was a hot Saturday morning when I first visited Pancho Mateo, a Haitian community on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. I remember my first impression and at that moment forgetting all I had ever learned or heard about poverty in the country. That moment was life-changing. As we walked through the village, I could feel my heart shattering and tears welling up. A young girl came up to me in search of a mere hug; not money, food, or clothes, but a single sign of love. I realize now, that moment defined in great part who I am and what I stand for today.

Aside from the tin-made houses and lack of clean water, I noticed a small house. This house was different. The children inside were smiling and it seemed to have a peculiar hope-like glow. This house belonged to Makarios.

Makarios, named using the ancient Greek word for “blessed,” is a faith-based organization that focuses on educational development in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. For more information please visit their amazing website:

After that trip I felt encouraged and empowered. This blog is a product of the seed that was planted over 3 years ago. I have decided to become an advocate for the voiceless, not only in my country, but around the world. home to change is a small and humble place with the mission to educate others on social injustice issues, highlight extraordinary people who are giving hope, and ways to get involved.

Thank you Makarios, YL DR staff, SCS teachers and everyone who has one way or another watered this seed of purpose in my life.