Photo taken by Amy Porter on our visit to Haiti March 2009.
Clinic in Ounaminthe, Haiti.
Clinic in Ounaminthe, Haiti.
So many times I get asked: Why are you, as a Dominican, raising awareness for a Haitian cause? My answer is simply that it's not about being Dominican or Haitian, it is about being human.
In my personal opinion there is a problem, way beyond the discussion of my nationality, when a country faces statistics like these:
• 60% of Haitians do not have access to even basic medical care
• There are 490,000 orphaned children in Haiti, a country of roughly 8 million people.
• Nearly 1/2 of the population of Haiti are children under the age of 18 years.
• Water-borne illnesses account for a large percentage of deaths in Haitian children and adults. 70% of Haitians do not have access to clean, potable water.
• 1 out of 7 children in Haiti die before the age of 5 years, mostly of preventable or curable diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea.
• According to UNICEF, only 36% of adults are aware that they can transfer HIV/AIDS to their children. As a result, over 17,000 children are infected with HIV/AIDS in Haiti, most of whom are not on proper medication.
I will let you take a moment to let those sink in...
See the problem is that these children are suppose to be the future leaders of their nation. What happens when they are not even given the chance? This world seems to be on a fast train to self-destruction and as the passengers we seem to be enjoying the ride a little too much. I believe it is time we start creating opportunities that enable access to education and basic health care for these children.
Danita's Children is a non‐profit organization with the intent of rescuing and caring for orphaned children, meeting their needs spiritually, physically, academically, emotionally. Danita's Children exists to answer the need for orphan rescue and care in Haiti and around the world. www.danitaschildren.org
Many people think that helping this cause means picking up, leaving behind, and moving to Haiti. But the reality is that many of us do not have that calling. Many times, the best way to support a cause is simply getting the word out. I encourage you to visit the Danita's Children website and learn about how you can get involved.