So clearly it has taken me the entire month of July to figure out what I should blog about... and then it happened... while looking for pictures for a newsletter campaign I am working on, I found this piece of art...

Such innocence, humility, and genuine joy. They are curious and bold. Ever had a child ask you a question that left you speechless? Automatically your facial expressions turn into that how-am-I-suppose-to-answer-that-question look.
I must admit, at times I may be a little jealous of their carefree spirit. This picture made me wonder why, for a long time, I was in such a hurry to grow up. Now I realize, as my friend Amy Porter once said, "I am just not built to be an adult!"
I want to run around in the rain; daydream about what I want to be when I grow up; play my guitar all day and not call it procrastination. Never mind, I still do all of those things!
On a more serious note, I want to believe in people again. I want to believe that our society and generation can fearless and radically make a difference. I want to inspire and be inspired.
This month was one of spiritual growth and strengthening.
God met with me. I was forever changed.
He gave me a bigger calling and purpose.
I realized that I am a child, His baby girl.
So I have been inspired. Now my purpose includes inspiring others. I choose to see through the eyes of a little girl. I do not mean be naive like a child, but care like one. The more I observe children, I realize they are passionate and fight for what they believe in, and a lot of times win.
So why then are we, as young adults, not being bold and standing up for what we care about, for what is right?
Why are there 2 children being sold every minute into sex and labor trafficking? Why are we allowing more than a billion people to go hungry and starve? Why are millions of people living without access to clean water? Like a child I ask, why? why? why?
Many give all sorts of political responses, but honestly, all I hear is laziness and lack of courage. If it was one of our children being sold or going hungry, I am sure we would hum to a different tune.
So this month is a simple encouragement to become curious and uncomfortable; ask why. Be a child and be bold.
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
- Matthew 18: 2-4 New International Version