Thursday, September 16, 2010

Santiago in September

"Children will not remember for you the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them." - Richard L. Evans

This week I got back from spending some time in Santiago, Dominican Republic. I met with some wonderful people doing awesome work. Niños Con Una Esperanza is one of these warriors. Pastor Pablo Ureña and his wife, Elizabeth have rescued hundreds of children referred to as "dumpster kids", who were forced to live off the Rafey Dumpster in Santiago.

These children, once allies with disease, hunger, and the struggle to survive, are now on a hope-filled path to recovering their education, dignity, and childhood. Little boys who were vulnerable to being trafficked into field labor and girls forced into prostitution, can now reach for their dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers and, ultimately, world changers.

Everything Niños Con Una Esperanza has done in the last 5 years has been through the support of individuals, partnerships with other organizations, and a big chunk of faith. It is quite encouraging! They believe in giving the children they work with the tools to learn how to be leaders in their communities, through education and genuine love.

At Home of Change, we have decided to partner with this awesome organization for our Girls To Schools campaign.

Be encouraged in knowing that your gifts will impact the lives of hundreds of students. You will not only provide school supplies; you are helping them see that they are worth caring for, that they deserve dignity, which in turn becomes hope. So on their behalf, thank you!

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future." - John F. Kennedy

Picture by Niños Con Una Esperanza. Little girl rescued, her scar is from working in the dumpster.